Proceeds generated from this event will be dedicated to supporting our friends at Puppy Jake Foundation.
The Details:
Where: Briarwood Golf Club – 3405 NE Trilein Dr. Ankeny, IA
When: June 11, 2025
What: Golf - (9:00am sign-in & 10:00am shotgun start) – 19th Hole After Party (2:30pm-5:30pm)
Why: To celebrate our partnerships & to benefit our friends at Puppy Jake Foundation
Pricing breakdown:
Golf Options -
2 Person Package – $325
- 18 Holes (Includes Cart)
- Lunch Tickets (2) - (Chick-fil-A breaded chicken sandwich basket)
- Drink Tickets (2)
- Swag Bags (2)
- Entrance To The 19th Hole After Party – (Includes live music from special guest Damon Dotson, drinks, appetizers, and games)
4 Person Package - $650
- 18 Holes (Includes Carts)
- Lunch Tickets (4) - (Chick-fil-A breaded chicken sandwich basket)
- Drink Tickets (4)
- Swag Bags (4)
- Entrance To The 19th Hole After Party – (Includes live music from special guest Damon Dotson, drinks, appetizers, and games)
Sponsorship Packages -
Silver Package - $300
- Company Logo at Hole
Gold Package - $550
- Company Logo at Hole
- Company Logo at Registration
- Hole Representation
- Lunch Tickets (2) - (Chick-fil-A breaded chicken sandwich basket)
- Drink Tickets (2)
- Entrance To The 19th Hole After Party – (Includes live music from special guest Damon Dotson, drinks, appetizers, and games)
***Mulligan Tickets will also be available for purchase at golf sign-in.
***Flight Prizes – Longest Drive, Longest Putt, Closest To Pin (presented during 19th Hole After Party)
Golf Course Attire: Proper attire is required on the golf course (which includes the practice green and driving range) at all times. For gentlemen, this includes golf shirts with a collar or mock turtle neck; this excludes T-shirts, crew-neck, sleeveless and V-neck shirts, jeans, and athletic style pants or shorts. For ladies, this includes golf shirts with a collar or mock turtle neck; this excludes tank tops, halter tops, short shorts, or athletic wear.